First and foremost, BTBNC would like to extend their thoughts and prayers to the people of Ukraine. Regardless of the geopolitics involved, civilian casualties should be avoided at all costs. Please keep all the civilians and first responders of Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers.
We made it through February without any law enforcement line of duty deaths, but the rest of the country has not been so fortunate. The National Fraternal Order of Police reports that as of midnight on 28 February, there have been 67 officers shot in the line of duty so far in 2022 (+40% from 2021 YTD; +76 from 2020 YTD). Of those officers shot, 9 of them were killed by gunfire. There have been 13 ambush-style attacks on law enforcement officers this year. These ambush-style attacks have resulted in 24 officers shot, 4 of whom were killed by gunfire.
BTBNC will continue to be there when tragedy strikes here in NC but we cannot do it without your help. Our 10-33 Assistance Program was started for this very reason, to be proactive rather than reactive. Although we have new subscribers each month this fund has nowhere near the number of subscribers we need in order for it to be self-sufficient the next time we lose an officer here in NC. Please consider joining the 10-33 Assistance Program for only $10.33 a month. That is less than .34 cents a day! Please visit
We have started putting a different item from our online store on sale each week because we understand with the current situation that your money isn’t going as far as it used to. If you need a gift for any occasion please consider buying something from our store and remember that 100% of the proceeds always goes to help the children and families of our officers who are willing to give their all! Visit the store at
As always, we welcome your ideas, comments, and feedback, feel free to reach out at anytime from our contact page:
Keep all our first responders in your prayers.